experiential, fun, relaxing
6 weeks / 45 minutes each week / choose either Wednesdays beginning
October 25th @ noon EST or Thursdays beginning October 26th @ 3pm EST
Did I ever truly take time for me? Did I ever make space? No, not at all, everyone else’s needs were more important than mine. Now at last, this really is TIME FOR ME to treat my body as my best friend. I didn’t learn to do that at home, in school or in any organized religion. I learned to treat my body as my worst enemy. I didn’t look, act or speak like others wanted me to. Not only does that erode self trust and confidence, hating my body or any part of me puts my nervous system on high sympathetic overdrive; signs include inflammation, blood sugar swings, digestive issues, hormone imbalance, sleep and immune issues, anxiety, depression. When on high sympathetic overdrive, vagal tone is low. The vagus nerve is the only cranial nerve that extends above and below the diaphragm; it helps regulate just about everything. Toning the vagus nerve reverses the effects of high sympathe6c overdrive (Deepak Chopra’s teaching “How to Be Vibrantly Alive - secrets of your vagus nerve”). Toning the vagus nerve helps relax and rejuvenate the body.
Join me. In these six weeks together, we’ll explore how to tone the vagus nerve. This TIME FOR ME includes listening to music, breathing, stretching, moving shaking, creative expression (painting, journaling, singing, any act that brings joy) and meditation. Taking TIME FOR ME to be more loving toward my body helps me trust intuition more than ever. Loving body with movement and sound, ‘exactly the way I am,’ strengthens intuition.
I ask each participant to also devote at least an hour every week, preferably more, to take time for at home. If you’re not willing to do that, please don’t register as you won’t have a true experience. Self compassion, being present and breathing are keys to toning the vagus nerve and rewiring the brain to feel more joy, peace, laughter, gratitude and grace. This is a learning lab, not therapy. If issues surface, I’ll encourage you to seek support from your therapist or find one at Silver Lake Psychology.
TIME & DATE – There are two options. Wednesdays at noon EST beginning October 25 OR Thursdays at 3pm EST beginning October 26. We won’t meet the fourth week of November. Choose one day. No new members once we start. It’s best to be in a private space where you won’t be interrupted.
FEES – When you commit to TIME FOR ME, you commit to paying for all 6 sessions. $20 per session for six sessions. After the first session, if you choose to continue, payment is collected after each session, whether you are present or not. Payment in full in advance is $100, non-refundable. If you register at least 7 other people, you can come for free.
If you know someone who might benefit, please share this. Email jo@alliesonthepathlpc.com or text
865 661 3877 if you have questions or you’re ready to enroll. For info about Jo, click this link.