Jo Levkoff is a compassionate witness and deep listener;
she integrates a playful spirit with profound respect in
every endeavor. She is a licensed professional counselor
in TN and a retired approved supervisor through the
American Association of Marriage and Family Therapy.
She offers SoulTouch Guidance through online video conferencing with individuals, couples, partners, friends
and groups who want to go deeper together. Jo and Moira Brigit co-created ALLIES ON THE SPIRITUAL PATH.
Moira Brigit is a Celtic shaman, born and raised in
Scotland. She learned about energy, healing touch, body wisdom, and shamanic journeying from her grandmother
and the other healer grand-mothers in her community.
She has been serving in the Celtic shamanic tradition for
over 60 years. Moira is a soul friend and honors both the
sacred and the irreverent in everyone. Moira guides
day long retreats on Celtic spirituality and ceremony.
I AM by Neil Ramage © 2013
I AM is the song we use to close when we play
Moira’s brother Neil came over from Scotland in 2013, his first visit east TN. He experienced Anam Cara, our home
and sanctuary. We played ALLIES. He walked the labyrinth. Something deep inside stirred. Within 24 hours of his returning to Scotland, Neil wrote I AM.
I believe I’ve been in the fire, hammered, welded and
chiseled into shape for this service my whole life,
though I wasn’t always aware.
Moira Brigit and I met in 1987 in a 3-year training program with Jean Houston. Jean is an exquisite, mythic storyteller
and brilliant evocateur of soul. It was here I first experienced walking in a labyrinth and became aware of being on the path. Jean created an experience called Friend in Court in which,
like Athena going before a council of Greek gods for
guidance to help Odysseus, we each sat before
a 'divine' council for guidance.
During that same time, I'd founded and worked in a therapeutic preschool in VT called Learning to Listen that morphed into one of the state’s first parent-child centers,
The Family Place in White River Junction VT. I created a video called Promoting Healthy Preschoolers with a
guidebook called Promoting Healthy Families. I jumped through the professional hoops of becoming an approved supervisor through the AAMFT that allowed me to teach
and supervise other therapists. I helped establish two
middle school based counseling programs and taught at Antioch/New England and ran supervision groups for graduate counseling students.
My mentor, Lynn Hoffman, one of the masters of family therapy, introduced a process called the reflecting team. It
was the most respectful supervision process for family therapists that I'd ever experienced. Reflecting was based
on the premise that when you create a safe container and
offer positive feedback and energy, the system/family/person changes itself for the good of all.
Moira and I met again in 1995; it took me till then to realize I had met my beloved. Moira knew at first sight. Traveling between VT and New Orleans for a year, we came to east TN and built Anam Cara (Gaelic for soul friend), our home and small retreat center. Moira Brigit is the heart and soul of ALLIES ON THE PATH.
I worked as a family therapist at Knoxville’s Sexual Assault Crisis Center for 5 years and through a series of synchronistic events, decided it was time to take a break from being a therapist and become a soul friend. I began to write and synthesize what I’d learned. Trusting spirit, I gave up my licenses to practice in 2012.
We wanted to find a way to offer these incredibly respectful
and empowering experiences to everyone, not just a small group of therapists in supervision and families in therapy. ALLIES ON THE SPIRITUAL PATH is play on a soul level.
The experience honors our souls’ journey.
SoulTouch Guidance is my gift.